
Tuesday, July 19, 2005


F1000013, originally uploaded by efroymson.

Posting from home, but I wanted to share this picture. I think we took it in Spain, but did not get it developed until almost our last day in Paris. The roll is a new kind of Black and White that is developed with the same chemistry as standard color film (C-41) so you can get it done anywhere. Had it scanned onto CD also, as is now my habit.

My efforts to interest Gus in photography obviously did not pan out as well as I had hoped, since this was a roll of film we bought in Poland ...

Anyway, I think this one looks pretty cool. In any case I do not regret the purchase of the 25mm lens.

The flight back was long, and got off to an annoying start, as Air France does not believe in "boarding by row". There is just a huge queue, and either you wait in it, or you don't (as we did). Just sat and played with the laptop until the line got shorter. Should have blogged from there, but we were running on too little sleep.

Our last day in Paris consisted in discovering that the Discovery Museum is closed on Mondays, the Orangerie is closed for renovations, the Musee D'Orsay is also closed on Mondays (though we were told that the Museums in Paris all close on Tuesday, not Monday), that the IRCAM center is not really open for visitors on Monday evenings, and that the Pompidou Center is open, and open late, and has all sorts of really cool stuff.

We went to Rue De Rosiers for some truly awesome felafel, perhaps the best I have ever had. No Saudis there for some reason though ...

We did not get to the Seine in time for the last cruise, so we walked around a bit, until the rain hurried us back on to the Metro and to the hotel.


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