
Sunday, May 21, 2006

Let's go

Let's go, originally uploaded by efroymson.

Small's Jazz club last night. Otis Brown III leads a group from the drums. You can read more about him here. It was a great show in a very intimate (as they say) club. The doorman said I could take pictures, so I did. There are more on flickr.

I usually don't like Jazz guitar, but the young fellow playing last night was really good. If I wanted to, I could pretend is was vibes. There was no piano until the end of the last piece in the session, had an alto and tenor sax though.

Once I started taking pictures, some other folks were inspired to take out their cameras as well. Unfortunately they were using flash, which was annoying. These were 1600 iso, f2 1/30th with the 50/2 (75mm view). I like the b&w better at high iso, the noise is less annoying. Also classier for shots of musicians don't you think?

Blogging from Amtrak on the way to DC.


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